Meet our Board of Directors
The St. John’s Rowing Club (SJRC) is a non-for-profit organization led by a volunteer Board of Directors and supported by various committees.
Board Duties and Responsibilities:
The Board of Directors is primarily responsible for long-term planning, financial, and administrative decisions. All directors and sub-committees work toward the best decisions for the club overall, therefore communications flow freely among the groups. While the Program Coordinator and Head Coach can attend board meetings, they do not vote. To read more about what the board has been up to lately, read the following:

Interested in joining the board?
Our board member roles are appointed formally each spring at the Annual General Meeting. Expressions of interest from individuals interested in occasional volunteer work or SJRC board membership are very welcome. Please email: If you would like to read more about the responsibilities of board members, please read the SJRC Guidelines for Board Membership.
My passion for rowing began in 2011 when I joined the high school rowing program, shifting into the Jr. Development program, then onto the Competitive team. The highlight of my participation in the sport came when I had the opportunity to compete in the 2013 Canada Games in Sherbrooke, Quebec. My respect for the sport and its athletes has continued to grow through the years as I have transitioned between fixed and slide seat rowing, taking on roles as rower, coxswain, and coach. Drawing from my background in HR, my goal as a member of the board is to view things with an HR lens to help provide members of SJRC with the best experience possible.
Why did you join the board?
“I have been involved with the St. John’s Rowing Club since 2017, initially as a program participant but also as a board member, taking on the registrar and treasurer roles. The history of the club and what it accomplishes in terms of athlete development and athletic leadership is pretty awe-inspiring for a small organization run primarily by volunteers. I am happy to contribute to the proud history as we take on a five-year strategic plan and some new funding and EDI initiatives.”
What does rowing mean to you?
“Rowing is a great example of a sport that demands fitness and technical finesse. As an individual or team sport, rowing also brings in the element of water which can be a very special experience. Whether it is a fixed-seat boat with the Royal St. John’s Regatta crews or a slide-seat boat with SJRC, I encourage people of all abilities to experience the joy of rowing.”
Sarah learned to row at the University of Guelph where she competed on the varsity team for 2 years, serving as women’s captain in her graduating year. Since moving to NL in 2020, Sarah has enjoyed competing in the Royal St. John’s Regatta for the past 4 years.
As a certified personal trainer and fitness instructor with 8 years of experience, Sarah brings a wealth of knowledge both in the sport of rowing and fitness more broadly. Sarah is looking forward to contributing to Program Development at SJRC as a Director at Large and growing the sport in the community.
What does rowing mean to you?
“Rowing is a community that is based on a shared commitment to challenge ourselves. Whether as individuals trying something new, learning a skill, maintaining fitness, or competing, or as a crew experiencing success and failure together. Rowing is universal and can be a means to connect people and provide a sense of belonging.”
Kristine Power has been a rower for 25 years. She grew up watching her dad – hall of fame rower Ken Power – row the Royal St. John’s Regatta multiple years running. She learned to row at Carleton University in 1997 and was on the varsity team for two years. Kristine hasn’t stopped rowing since then and has competed in various regattas, including the Royal St. John’s Regatta. She has been very lucky to row with some amazing teammates and have some incredible experiences thanks to the sport of rowing. Her brother, Ian Power, is also a rower and fellow board member so you could say it is a family affair.
Yvonne joined the slide seat rowing community in the fall of 2022 and has not looked back. Outside of rowing, Yvonne is a dedicated and enthusiastic human resources professional who has over fifteen years’ experience.
With a passion for the sport of rowing and her previous service on the Canadian Professionals Human Resources of Newfoundland and Labrador (CPHR-NL) board, Yvonne aims to use her wealth of knowledge to contribute to the growth and development of St. John’s Rowing Club.
Claudette Marie joined the Adult Learn to Row Program with SJRC in the summer of 2022, to rekindle her love of rowing. She has been a member of the LabWest Regatta Association, rowing slide seat in Labrador West at Jean Lake from 1995 into 2005 holding various championships over the years, with a return to the water in July 2022 for Wabush’s 50th Regatta to win the Masters Women’s Championship. She has joined the fixed seat rowing community this year, competing in the Long Course Women’s Division of the Royal St. John’s Regatta.
Claudette brings her love of being on the water along with her energy and enthusiasm to help grow the love of the sport of rowing, as one of SJRC’s newest board members.
Cherie’s love of rowing started in 1988 with fixed seat rowing in the St. John’s regatta. She was a member of the OZfm ladies team winning several championships with them. She and the 1994 OZfm crew were inducted into the Royal St Johns Regatta Hall of Fame for being the first female crew to break 5 minutes for the short course. Cherie was also on the National Bobsleigh team for 4 years, and made the 2002 Olympic team, while living in Alberta and was an active member of the Alberta Bobsleigh Board until 2021.
Cherie has worked in NL, Alberta and BC for the last 25 years as a Health and Safety professional, and is now working for the Govnt of NL as a Senior Health & Safety Manager.
Cherie loves the teamwork, camaraderie and the competitiveness of rowing and is excited about working with the rest of the board to continue promoting sliding seat rowing in St.Johns.
My passion for slide seat and fixed seat rowing began in 1989 and continues to grow with each passing year.
Experience and travel presented opportunities which enabled me to row, cox, and coach in several different countries; some of which include Ireland, England, Holland, Germany, and Spain.
I hope to promote this wonderful sport in sharing my enthusiasm, commitment and knowledge with new and existing members.
I am extremely excited to be involved with SJRC as Treasurer and look forward to seeing this amazing club continue to grow in membership and success.